First of all there is no such thing as world's best parents everyone has flaws but i know how they say what you have is the best because we don't have any other choice it was not our choice to choose our parents but they had a choice about us that if they want a kid or not parent and child relation is good but until a point let it be age or maturity when you are immature you see your parents as superheroes and you're idol but when you grown up a little like when you are a teenager you start to see flaws in them like many parents are irresponsible and careless and even violent and you start hating them a little, they start depending on us like once we used to depend on them but its a very drastic shift for us and we start to see them with hate because we think they have become lazy  but its not true they are doing everything they can for us so that we can have a good life ahead but we can't see that because all of us has a different perspective we all have different kind of stress in our lives so we can't judge other person just by seeing him. You can only see his/her physical appearance you don't know anything  about their mental state.

Parents can give wrong advice but there intention is never wrong.


An HSBC study on the hopes and expectation of parents on their children’s education brings out very some interesting insights on how different cultures value learning. The study which covers more than a dozen countries including India shows that though parent’s aspirations differ not only across both developing and developed counties and also within them there are some still areas where their preference overlap substantially.

According to the study the most important goal that Indian parents have for their children is that they build successful careers in their adult life. This is the ultimate goal for 51% of the Indian parents surveyed. Only Mexican parents are ahead of India in rating a successful career of the children as the ultimate goal with 52% vouching for it.

Asked to ranked three most important goals that they wanted their child to achieve as an adult 51% of the Indian parents choose successful careers, while 49% choose happiness in life, 33% identified a healthy life style, 22% wanted them to earn enough for a comfortable life and 17% rated fulfilling their children’s potential as the ultimate goal.


However, parents in most developed countries did not give much weightage to successful careers.  Only one fifth of the parents in the United States regards successful careers as an ultimate goal. The share of parents supporting such a goal is even lower in United Kingdom and Australia (17% each). Asian nations like China, Taiwan and Hong Kong also don’t rate successful careers as too important with the share of parents supporting it as an ultimate goal being 15%, 17% and 19% respectively.

What is even more interesting is the substantial differences of opinion between Indian and other parents on the goals they have set for their children. Being happy in life was the ultimate goal of parents in more than a dozen countries ranging from 56% in Indonesia, 58% in Hong Kong, 60% in UAE to 77% in UK, 78% in Canada and 86% in France. However, only 49% of the Indian parents rated happiness in life as one of the three most important goals.


Indian parents aspiration also differ substantially from that of other nations in terms of choice of subjects, university education, post graduate qualifications and additional tutoring.  What is rather strange is that while Indian parents have the highest preference for engineering as the preferred subject of their wards despite the nation’s frail industrial sector Chinese parents have the least preference for the subject even as their nation is dubbed as the manufacturing hub of the world.

When it comes to choice of subjects the largest number of Indian parents wanted their children to study engineering (23%) which was followed by business management and finance (22%), computer and information sciences (16%), medicine (14%) and law (2%). The academic choices Indian parents have for their children varies substantially from that of Chinese parents whose top choice for their children is business management and finance (25%), followed by medicine (15%), computer and information science (7%), law (7%) and engineering (6%).


However, Indian parents emerge almost at the top when it comes to the higher education qualifications they aspire for their children. In fact the survey shows that 91% of the Indian parents wanted their children to have at least an undergraduate degree or more 88% wanted them to secure a masters or even higher degree. In contrast only 60% of the parents in the United States wanted their children to get an undergraduate degree or more while only 31% targeted a masters or higher degree.

One thing common to most of the Asian nations was their steady faith in additional tutoring. While China has the largest share of parents paying for additional tutoring (74%), it was followed by Indonesia (71%), India (71%), Malaysia (63%), Singapore (59%) and Taiwan (59%). In contrast additional tutoring was very marginal in advanced countries like France (20%), Australia (21%), UK (23%) and the USA (26%).

And Asian countries also believed that university education provided good value for money. The parents who had the highest regards for university education were in Singapore (84%), Malaysia (78%) and India (78%). However, more than half the parents in Brazil, Turkey, Mexico and Taiwan thought that university education offered only a poor value for money.

Similarly the preference for international university education is valued very high in most Asian economies. While 69% of the Chinese parent would pay at least 25% more for an international university education 59% of the Indian parents too would opt for such a choice. Other nations which give preference would international university education include Hong Kong (625), Taiwan (59%), Indonesia (52%) and Singapore (50%).

All these certainly show that Indian parents have set the bar a bit too high for the children to easily match. 


Failure is A Tough Curve in The Road, Not The End of The Journey

Have you ever looked back and found yourself seeing nothing but your failures? Have you ever been afraid to pursue something new just because you were afraid that you might fail?
Believe it or not, 9 out of 10 people would have answered the above questions in an affirmative (so, there’s no need to feel intimidated or unworthy if your reply was a Yes). Now, this vast majority of people would be thinking -“What is it that I am doing wrong?” or “How can I get out of this cycle of failure?”
There is nothing you have done wrong. Failure is a part, perhaps the most important part, of success. If you haven’t failed, you haven’t tried something new. You too could become like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg or Sachin Tendulkar. All you need to do is stay positive and confident.  
“Success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. “
Your failures do not define who you are and how much you can achieve. No matter how many times someone tries to pull you down or tries to make you feel small, never give in.
Yes, you are allowed to feel broken, but you need to learn how to scramble all the pieces and get up again. Come out of your comfort zone, scream louder, act smarter, risk mistakes, reframe your failure, be successful, leave a legacy.
”No one sees how pathetically you failed, but how courageously you bounced back.”
Your current circumstances might not be good and you might feel that you have nothing to feel happy about. Remember that these situations are temporary, they do not define your capabilities neither do they show your true potential. Just keep the wheels of hard work moving, and sooner or later, you would reach your destination.
Refuse to believe that your failures mark the end of your journey. If plan A doesn’t work, try plan B. If that doesn’t work, try plan C. Just keep hustling. Each failure teaches you something. Be ready to learn that and adapt accordingly. 
“No defeat is final until you stop trying.”
Your greatness is an outcome of your perseverance. Keep your eyes set on your goal. Keep moving. Consider failure as a tough curve in the road. You can’t stay there and expect your goals to come to you. You need to keep going ahead.
Everyone has a fair share of failures. Oprah, Edison, Disney, and other great inventor were not born with super powers, their resilience shielded them from disappointment. Fail, learn, grow, find your wings and fly all over again.

Reality Of Practical held by CBSE in All Indian CBSE based School.

As nowadays the practicals of CBSE is going on, the students have to maintain there practical for the whole year but this is for those students who goes to school on a daily basis unlike dummy students who goes to school only to give exams they go to school and have to write whole practicals in 1-2 days so it take a lot of effort and determination and many dummy students don't even perform there practicals properly and you expect them to achieve full marks in there exams and on the exam day they just go there and stand there as they have been there first time which is true they have hardly came to school one or two time and about the practicals we all know what the result will be which is big zeroes but that's not true the school however make them pass by so called there "sources" with the examiner and when it comes practical files the examiner just takes it and give remarks and just throws it away all the the effort which has been put into it is gone in just minutes and they got of there effort and determination 5 marks at max i don't think this is process the CBSE wants it to be but it's not going in right way.
I think the practical should be more important then the academics part because its the application in real life which is very important but nowadays the practical is nothing but "FREE MARKS" the student see it as free marks given to them so they also don't take it seriously.
I think the INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM needs a major change....
In my school only i went to school for the first time for my 12 practicals and i reached there i thought it would be very hard but when i got there they gave a answer sheet and told me to copy everything from another sheet where all answers were printed and then i thought why i studied this much hard for the practicals and when i went for my viva the invigilator asked me many i wasn't able answer any of the question and then he saw my answer sheet he was shocked to see that i wrote this much answers without knowing any of it. I request all the students to study to learn not to just score marks the marks wont help you in future nobody is gonna ask you how well did you score in class 10 or 12 after but the morals you get out of it will reflect in your daily life....



As now in few days board exams of classes 10th  and 12th  are coming and for students going to the school, this is the most important exam. So, they take a lot of stress regarding the studies and read  and practice from different books. Students don't understand that grades are not everything they need to achieve, their are many other things that a student should focus on either than giving importance only to the grades. Moreover, to achieve something in life students should know the importance of studying for knowledge either than studying for grades, which will definitely not help them in future. I strongly believe that no one should be nervous or unhappy for their result, instead of that you should all be happy and blessed because you are learning something by studying these books.But only a few students have courage to overcome the upcoming problems in their future and succeed and their are some other students who don't even try to fight their problems and think that they are the only one facing so much problems and issues in their life.These students search for simple ways to overcome their problems and if they are again unsuccessful then they think that their is nothing they could do about that and simply give up and commit suicide.You guys must have heard of a city in Rajasthan,'Kota'.This city is famous for its IIT coaching institutes.Students from different part of India come here to study for JEE i.e the exam to get into IIT's and NIT's. Many students have succeeded great heights after gaining education from here.But also you guys must know that their have been many suicides here.Their are many students who came to Kota by coming in pressure of their parents and did not succeed, and just commited suicide. There have been 4 suicide cases here in last 3 days, which of course is not a good news. I feel pity for these students because its not easy to suicide,the courage these students show in committing suicide is too much ,and instead of committing suicide if these students had shown their courage in making their future better they would have definitely succeeded.Maybe late but surely some day students will understand.Not only the students but the parents should also understand that everyone have different qualities,its the duty of parents to identify their children talent and support him/her, so the child could have a better future.Parents should not force their children for something in which their they are not interested.


Views of top you-tubers on Indian Education System

Wrong education system - Sandeep Maheshwari


अब तक का सबसे बड़ा खुलासा | Education System in India | Case Study by Dr Vivek Bindra

The interesting story of our educational system | Adhitya Iyer | TEDxCRCE


Dear Indian Education System | Indian Short Film | FMF


Indian Education System : Must watch for Students, Parents & Teachers | Case Study by Himeesh


Indian Education System पे सबसे नए खुलासे जो मीडिया नहीं दिखायेगा, Case Study Problems and Solutions

Why India's Education System will F*CK UP Your Career & Life - Indian Education Motivation

Why I Rejected The Indian Education System | Vidhi Jain (Shikshantar)

The 3 Myths of the Indian Education System | Vinay Menon | TEDxThiruvananthapuram

Watch more on Youtube Click here

Scholar Power does not own the rights to these video clips.




Michael Dell

Michael Dell dropped out of University of Texas at Austin his freshman year at the age of 19. He would go on to found Dell Technologies and is now worth $20.9 billion.

Steve Jobs

The founder of Apple left Reed College when he was just 19, reportedly because it was too much of a financial burden for his family. Despite his short tenure at Reed, Jobs still found his time there valuable. In a 2005 commencement speech at Stanford, he credited a Reed calligraphy course for providing the inspiration for the typography he used on the first Mac.

Julian Assange

Before he was a controversial computer hacker, Julian Assange studied mathematics at the University of Melbourne. The Aussie WikiLeaks founder showed early indications of his anti-establishment ideals when he dropped out at the age of 19 over objections to the practice of students working on computer projects for the Australian military.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates attended Harvard for two years before leaving to build what would become Microsoft. The Harvard Crimson describes him as “Harvard’s most successful dropout,” and today he is the
wealthiest person on the planet.

Evan Williams

Evan Williams grew up in Clarks, Nebraska, where his family ran a farm. He attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln for three semesters before dropping out.

Williams was a freelance software programmer for Hewlett-Packard and Intel before landing a gig at Google. He later quit his job at Google to build Twitter, and became a billionaire.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard, founded Facebook and became the 5th wealthiest man alive. According to the book “The Facebook Effect,” it took him just five minutes to make the decision to quit college.

Larry Ellison

Today, Larry Ellison is known as a software billionaire and founder of Oracle. When he was growing up, however, his adoptive parents encouraged him to be a doctor.

He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Chicago, but struggled with his medical courses and dropped out. Today he is worth over $55 billion.

Jan Koum

Immigrant entrepreneur Jan Koum worked his way through college only to quit before graduating. He would go on to work for Yahoo, and then to invent the incredibly popular messaging application WhatsApp.

Travis Kalanick

Before becoming the CEO and founder of Uber, Travis Kalanick studied computer engineering at UCLA. Kalanick decided to quit college just months before graduating to work for now-defunct peer-to-peer search engine Scour.

John Mackey

John Mackey studied religion and philosophy at the University of Texas before dropping out, borrowing $45,000, and starting a health food store called SaferWay in downtown Austin. Mackey grew his business into what is now organic grocery behemoth Whole Foods.


Advantage and Disadvantage of following your DREAMS.

Advantages of following your dreams:-

  • You will enoy the work you will do.
  • You will not get frustrated or depressed with your work.
  • You will complete your every wor before its deadline beause you will passion to do it.
  • You will experience the field of work you will do


  • You may not get fixed amount of money after every month, you will earn less
  • You will have insecurities 
  • Your family may not support you
  • Your idea or work what you are doing may shutdown after investing a lot of money in it
